Thursday, November 26, 2009


That what hasn’t killed me has made me stronger.
That I’ve been chosen to deliver an amazing gift and I don’t take it likely.
That I don’t have to live in bondage to other people’s opinions or expectations.
That I have a winning attitude, no matter the circumstance.
That I see mountains as molehills and stumbling blocks as stepping stones.
That I am more than a conqueror and that I’m the head and not the tail.
That favor overtakes me.
That my gift makes room for me and brings me before great men.
That by this time next year, people will be reading my book and singing its praises.
That my haters energize me to succeed.
That my words are seasoned with grace and pleasant to the hearers.
That people will come from around the world to hear what I have to say.
That the favor of God is so strong on my life that many will be compelled to know Him.
That the words that come out of my mouth are life-changing and affirming.
That I have enough courage to write this.

Part confession. Part faith. But nonetheless, I’m thankful for all these and more…



  1. This is fantastic and very inspiring! You have a great gift and are reaching more people than you probably could imagine (I'm one of those people). Continue to let God use you. Your words are touching a lot of lives. Happy Thanksgiving :-)

  2. Thanks, Audrey. Blessings to you. I'm looking forward to the great way God is continuing to use you. You are a gift to the body.

  3. I just did a post on my blog this week on gratitude/thankfulness.

    It's amazing how gratitude changes our attitude.
