Friday, February 12, 2010

Do You Love Me?

Since this is the time of year where love is professed so freely, I thought I'd propose a question to you: Do you love me?

When you ask yourself that question, how do you answer? The inclination would be to yell a resounding, “Yes!,” but our actions speak louder than our words. You see, what you do on a daily basis answers the question. What do you do to support your love (or lack thereof) for yourself? What does your attitude, your conversations, the way you interact with others tell others about how much you love yourself? Each day do you make a conscious effort to treat your body in a loving manner? For example, if you’re overweight or have high blood pressure, do you make positive choices to counteract those negatives? Do you speak words of affirmation to yourself so that you can be strengthened to make it through the day? Or is your head riddled with negative self-talk? Do you interact with others in a courteous, graceful manner? Or are you spewing venom out to anyone that comes in contact with you? Taking the opportunity to soul-search and ask yourself these questions will give you a clue as to if you really love yourself. You see, talk is cheap. I can’t hear what you’re saying because your actions are screaming so loud. So, during this season of love, sit down and have a heart-to-heart and ask yourself, "Do you love me?"


  1. Great post Tangie as always! So often we claim to love ourselves and others, but our actions don't align with our words. It takes effort, but I think we should dedicate a little time each day to loving ourselves and others.

  2. Very thought-provoking post! Indeed, talk is cheap, and self-love is the catalyst for ALL love.

  3. Good questions. Who we are comes out not only in our words, but by how we treat others and ourselves. Making a conscious decision to love myself more.

  4. Love thy self first and that includes mine,body and soul. I try to use this on a daily basis because I know I can't love others or extend love to others if I don't love myself, so I am in constant check yourself mode with myself. Loving actions will always trump words :)

  5. The expression "Love is a choice, not a feeling" applies to all aspects of love, including self love. We have to make the conscious choice to Love ourselves and then make the necessary steps to act on it. Great post Tangie!

  6. I concur with the others that this is a great post. This is a great post for helping people understand what self-love truly means.

  7. Great post Tangie! I can recall when I was younger hearing the saying "If you can't love yourself how can you expect others to?" That always stuck with me which keeps me always on a quest to improve and love myself more and more each day.
