Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Covenant of Sisterhood

The concept of Sisterhood is near and dear to my heart. I didn’t grow up with any biological sisters, but I always cherished the friendships I had with my girlfriends. But like a lot of women, I began to take on the attitude that other women were too catty and petty and not worth the bother. As I began to mature, however, I started to get an understanding of relationships and started to focus on making sure that every new encounter I had with another sistah lined up with the core of who I was or who I was trying to be. If those connections didn’t line up, then I did not spend a lot of energy on them. You see, what I learned is that we attract people to us based on the energy that we put out. When I was attracting gossiping, back-biting, jealous, hatin’ sistahs into my space, it was because I was sending that spirit out before me. Once I started working on me, then the friendships I attracted were with people who, not only lined up with who I was, but also who I needed to be.

Last year I did a series on Mean Girls where I discussed some negative traits that sistahs sometimes possess. As a follow up to that, I’d like to do this series that will help us to understand how truly enriching the Covenant of Sisterhood is. The goal of this series is to bring you to a place of awareness as it relates to your relationships, in general, but specifically your relationships with other sistahs. By the end, I want you to be able to fully embrace the power that lies in the Covenant of Sisterhood.

Next time we’ll discuss what our friendships say about who we are in a blog entitled, “Who You With?”

Be Inspired,
Inspired Sistah


  1. Awesome post. This is a needed topic.

  2. Thank you! I'm looking forward to exploring it.

  3. This is definitely a needed topic. So true that you attract what you put out. And you put out what's in you. So that being said we as women have to do some self evaluation on who we are.

    I have been blessed to actually be friends with my biological sisters. This is not because we are all just great because our mother fostered that in us. Thank God for her! Becasue of the how she and her sisters related she wanted better relationships for us.
    Although we are friends now, all four of my sister have not always been friends. I remember some nasty arguments. So definitely with maturity and choice I saw our relationships develope into positive supportive friendships.

    Thanks for always "inspiring women to live on top of the world."

  4. Thank you for being transparent and sharing that. I like what you said about your relationship developing because of "maturity and choice." Two words: Yes, Amen!

  5. Great topic and something I'm sure will be a great resource for me. I haven't always been good at what I call "the bff thing". Seems like somehow the friendships always fizzled. I'm starting to understand that a friendship like any relationship has to be founded on the core things that you are and believe in (as you pointed out). I look forward to this series. I know it's going to be a big help.

  6. Hi, Audrey. Thank you for that comment. I think there are a lot of women who are not good at the "bff thing," but I hope to offer some benefits to having "covenant" friends. ALL relatonships take work and that includes our friendships. Having covenant with your girlfriends can prime you to have covenant with your (future) spouse.

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