Monday, January 18, 2010

Lessons from a drought...

I, like a lot of people, feel that 2010 is my year to prosper, thrive and win. I feel that this year I will be taken out of the shadows and into the light. I was quickly reminded, however, that there is often a process of pruning and preparation that goes on in the shadows to ensure that you are prepared for the light.

During the first full week of January, Atlanta was hit with record low freezing temperatures. During that time, we also experienced a little snow and ice. Also during that time, the water abruptly stopped running into my house. Although we retained power, we had no working plumbing. So that meant no showers, no clothes or dishwashing and no ability to flush the toilet! We endured this horrid situation for 10 days. Over the course of the 10 days I went from disbelief, to rage, to despair, to pity and then finally, to rejoicing. I could not believe this was happening. I was in the midst of preparing for my first solo IS Workshop and not having running water in my house was a tad bit distracting. Every time I opened my mouth up to complain to God, He would allow me to know, in one way or the other that I was, indeed, blessed. He would allow me to see the homeless man sitting on the corner shivering as I passed by in my nice, warm car. I got news of a former co-worker who died of cancer suddenly. Also, during that time, Haiti was hit with a devastating earthquake. I got to the point that I was ashamed to bemoan my situation because I had warmth and food and the ability to buy bottled water. I belong to a gym where I could take showers everyday and I had MONEY to stay in a hotel if I wanted to.

Once I got over myself, I began to seek God for the lesson. One of the lessons I learned is that diamonds are formed once they are exposed to intense pressure. Metals are perfected once the dross is burned off of them. On the journey to greatness, there is no escaping the Potter’s wheel or the Refiner’s fire because; it is only when you are tried, that you come forth as pure gold. Although the ordeal was still uncomfortable, once I got the revelation, I was able to rejoice. I rejoiced in the fact that I knew that if I passed this test with grace, promotion was sure to come and elevated is where I want to be. I’ve had enough of mediocrity, going along just to get along and singing sad songs. I’m ready to soar with the eagles. So I’m grateful for my lesson. Oh, and running water ain’t half-bad either!


  1. Another great one Tangie. I have to keep telling myself that although this is the year of prosperity, it won't be perfect. There will be ups and downs. And those ups and downs are to remind me of Who is in control and for Him to get the glory when it's all said and done. Praying a very prosperous year for all who are walking in the will of God. Keep walking girly.

  2. Amen Tangie! Those character-building moments are something else, but when God brings you out on the other side, you have the clarity to thank Him for building you up. Thank God for Jesus!

  3. When you think your situation is bad there is ALWAYS someone in a worse scenario. Amen that you saw the blessings you have Tangie and did not drown yourself in the fact that some uncomfortable things were happening in your life at the moment. We must always be thankful for our current blessings and the strength God gives us to pull thru the tough times.


  4. This post is so spot-on. Thank you for sharing your experience. It is sad that it takes something worse happening to get us to check ourselves but as you write, we are being pruned and prepared.

    This was very inspirational. Thanks!

  5. Great post!! I have been learning to really count my blessings this past year. Even through the tears and heartache, I will still be thankful!! Such an invaluable lesson.

  6. Well said! This is a lesson I've been learning also. It is so easy to get caught up in your own problems that you don't see the blessings.

    This is an excerpt from an email my best friend sent me earlier this week. It really fits...

    When you look at the 2 words that make up "breakthrough" you will find hope even in that. Being "broken"! God is the potter and we are the clay. The potter will always take a vessel and break it before he repairs it. He will always take something that was once old and pushed aside, break it, restore it, and give it a new appearance. That is why things seem to go crazy in your life when you pray for breakthrough and the next level in Christ.

    The second word "through" literally means; "from one surface or limit of, to the next". God is getting you through this stage in your life and preparing you for more. Prosperity, peace of mind, blessed family, success, stability, courage, and boldness in sharing your testimony! These are things that God is getting out of you. Your breakthrough is
    to raise your limits.

  7. Tangie,

    Thanks for reminding us that there is a lesson in the storm and that we can focus on the situation or the blessing. In Him we are forever blessed! Truly inspiring!

  8. Brandi, thanks for sharing that excerpt. It was very timely. I think we're all getting a piece of the 'Gratitude Pie.'

  9. Ladies, thank you for sharing on this post. Be encouraged!

  10. It's hard to remember to rejoice when the situation is difficult, but as you pointed out, God subtly shows us that despite what we're facing, we do have much to be thankful for. Great post!
